Market Research Consulting

We offer research services geared at gaining insights regarding the Customer, Employee, Product and the Brand. SurveyFiesta boasts the largest research panel in Africa, with over 7 million consumers across 19 African countries.


Customer Experience Management using SurveyFiesta

With a team of specialists that are available to assist with client research needs, we pride ourselves in providing scalable research solutions, while breaking the boundaries of research with our innovative thinking.

Surveyfiesta® is a market research and surveying company that simplifies the collection, analysis and reporting of market related data. We strive to take the pain away from conducting market research through our exceptional online survey platform. We offer an advanced online survey platform that looks to deliver all the essentials to our growing global clientele.

Market Research Approaches

Surveyfiesta® prides itself on the ability to choose between qualitative / quantitative or integrated methodologies (mixed methods) based on what is best for the project and research.

We do our data collection on our own platform.

We continuously building a customized, closed, digital (online and mobile) collaboration platform with consumers that are interested in their voice being heard by brands. As one of the leading global online surveying companies, we offer our customers subscription options which include a free trial account, silver and gold plans.

Customers Satisfaction & Experiences

Employee Engagement, Culture & Climate Surveys

Brand Health

Consumer Behaviours & Motivations

Concept Testing

Employee Loyalty & Insights

Fraud Thermometer

Pre and Post Ad testing

Areas that SurveyFiesta Unpacks

Understanding customer’s awareness is vital.
Understanding what drives customers to consider your brand.
Understanding customer’s motives for accepting/ declining a service or product.
Understanding your customer’s satisfaction levels.

Our MROC Process

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We deep-dive in order to

  • Fully understand the customer’s journey with your company.
  • Explore areas of improvements.
  • Unpack current frustrations, if any.
  • Fully understand the customer’s needs.

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  • Unexpected insights emerge.
  • Additional probing and questioning around specific findings/areas of interest (specifically questions beyond the scope of the survey).
  • Reliable feedback from users, that will bring the findings to life and make it more practical with examples and case studies.